Ovaj hrvatski food blog nas je raspametio, sigurni smo da će i vas

Oni su Nensi i Slaven Beram iz Splita, a Rainbow in my kitchen je njihov blog, rezultat njihove ljubavi prema hrani i pripremanju zdravih obroka,  pri čemu najviše uživaju u kreiranju raznovrsnih slastica.

Otkrili smo ih lutajući prostranstvima Instagrama nakon što smo se najeli graha i kupusa i odjednom smo se osjećali kao da smo upali u neku zemlju čuda, a da nas je netko vidio sigurno su nam se oči raširile od divljenja, a vilica dodirivala podbradak.

Na njihovom blogu ćete naći veganske recepte bez glutena, bez rafiniranog šećera i ostalih visoko prerađenih namirnica. Iako se ovakav način prehrane  na prvi pogled čini dosta ograničen, Nensi i Slaven svojim receptima dokazuju suprotno.

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Happy Wednesday everyone! 👋We are having another gorgeous sunny day. Summer is still going strong here and the temperatures are pleasantly high. I'm gonna finish my work soon and then I am off for my afternoon walk. I just want to soak up every single ray of sunshine before autumn. Are you having a nice weather too? * * * Today I had a very simple breakfast: chia pudding and coconut yogurt with berries. You can find the recipe down below. For blue color, I used blue spirulina powder from @rawnice. * * * You can use our code ALLTHEWORLDISGREEN15 for 15% off your @rawnice purchase. * * * Wish you all an amazing day, lots of 😘😘😘 * * To make it (serves 2): 200 ml almond milk, 4 tablespoons chia seeds (approx. 50g), 300 g coconut or soy yogurt, 50 ml almond milk, maple or agave syrup (to taste), 1 teaspoon blue spirulina powder. * * * Whisk together 200 ml almond milk, chia seeds, and sweetener (if using) in a bowl. Let it sit for 5 minutes and then whisk again to prevent it from clumping. Leave it at room temperature for 45 minutes. Add 150 g coconut/soy yogurt, 50 ml almond milk and 1 teaspoon blue spirulina powder and stir well until combined. If you want it to be less thick, you can add a little bit more of almond milk and stir again. * * Serve in a jar, top with coconut/soy yogurt and fresh or frozen berries. Enjoy! * * * * * #chia #berries #rawnice #bluespirulina #feedfeed #bestofvegan #smoothie #smoothies #healthybreakfast #veganbreakfast #plantbased #thrivemags #foodblogfeed #foodglooby #veganfoodporn #veganfoodshare #vegansofig #kaylaitsines #letscookvegan #foodpic #whatveganseat #heresmyfood #cleaneating #healthydessert #healthyfood #healthyeating

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-Možda za neke od sastojaka koje koristimo na ovom blogu nikad prije niste ni čuli, ali većina njih se može naći u trgovinama zdrave hrane. Isto tako, potrudit ćemo se kreirati što više recepata baziranih na lako dostupnim, uobičajenim namirnicama, a koje većina ljudi ima u svojoj kuhinji, kažu.

Obzirom da i sami muku mučimo s autoimunim protokolima (AIP), paleom, LCHF, gluten free prehranama, njihov blog vratio nam je optimizam.

-Kada postanete zainteresirani za prehranu temeljenu na biljkama i biljnim proizvodima, zasigurno ćete naići na nekoliko pitanja i prepreka na koje naiđe svatko tko prelazi na ovaj način prehrane: manjak izbora (što ću jesti kada izbacim meso, mliječne proizvode, jaja, ribu, …), nedostupnost malo “egzotičnijih” sastojaka za koje nikada prije niste ni čuli (prehrambeni kvasac, agar, aru prah, …), strah da ste se osudili na život super-zdravih, ali bezukusnih jela u kojima nema uživanja, navode autori bloga Rainbow in my kitchen.

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Happy Wednesday everyone! 🙋Do you like purple sweet potatoes? I am quite obsessed with them and so wish I could find them more easily. I love their color and the sweet taste they have. * * Naturally creamy they were the perfect base for this delicious and fulfilling soup I made a few days ago. * * It's made with zucchini, ginger, toasted sesame seeds and cashew cream and topped with broccoli sprouts, thyme and sesame seeds. * * Wishing you all a great evening, lots of 😘😘😘 * * If you recreate any of our recipes, you can use our hashtag #rainbowkitchenrecipes and we will feature you in one of our stories. * * You can also visit us on our: * * Blog: https://rainbowinmykitchen.com/ * * Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/therainbowinmykitchen/ * * * * * #purplefood #soup #vegansoup #vegetariansoup #purplesweetpotatoes #sweetpotatoes #veganbowl #feedfeed #feedfeedvegan #thrivemags #bestofvegan #thekitchn #letscookvegan #buzzfeedfood #zdravahrana #bezglutena #eathealthy #highcarbvegan #foodphotography #foodstyling #foodinspiration #veganeats #whatveganseat #eatyourveggies #veganlunch #eathealthy #foodisfuel #nourish

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Zlatna pravila dobro su nam znana: prehrana bi se trebala uglavnom sastojati od sezonskog voća i povrća, valjalo bi što manje koristiti pakiranu i prerađenu hranu i naravno pokušati uzgajati svoju hranu.

Mi smo Nensi i Slavena zavoljeli, a znamo da ćete i vi nakon što ih zapratite kako na Instagramu, tako i na Facebooku. Srce nam još radosno skače jer smo našli još istomišljenika, čak nam se sviđaju i isti filmovi.

Preporučamo od <3.

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Happy Thursday everyone! 🙋🙋🙋 It's #pizza time 🙌🍕🍕. This is our favorite pizza – crust is made with chickpea flour and topped with rocket pesto plus some veggies, smoked tofu, and sprouts. * * Wishing you a wonderful evening, lots of 😘😘😘 * * * You can also visit us on our: * * * Blog: http://rainbowinmykitchen.com/ * * Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/therainbowinmykitchen/ * * Blog na hrvatskom: http://rainbowinmykitchen.com.hr/ * * * * * #veganpizza #plantbased #vegan #vegandinner #vegansnack #foodblogfeed #wholefoods #pizzalover #gloobyfood #greenfood #foodpic #foodstyling #vegansofig #veganfood #veganrecipes #healthyliving #healthylifestyle #letscookvegan #bestofvegan #feedfeed #heresmyfood #801010 #rainbowinmykitchen #buzzfeedfood #glutenfree #beautifulfood #beautifulcuisines #journalhr

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